Recognizing problems early automobile components can save the cost of service. Car components are divided into four essential parts, namely: engine, chassis, interior, and the legs (brakes and wheels). An important part of the car components by vehicle manufacturers will always be developed continuously to get a ride comfort. Some important components of your car to be recognized:
Fuel Tank
This car component serves as a container for fuel so the fuel tank is a vital component of the car. Components of this car as a container material which is liquid then these components must be protected from corrosion. Some things you should recognize from the fuel tank components, namely:
1. Capacity of the tank, every car has the ability to accommodate different fuels. You must know the capacity of your car because if you do not know can lead to leakage of fuel so it can be dangerous.
2. Gauge, this component serves to measure and find the volume of fuel that remains in the fuel tank of your car.
3. Ventilation, fuel tanks should not be pressurized. If too much pressure applied to the fuel tank, the valves should be placed in the right position to avoid the steam.
This car component is also very important from your car. Brake serves to reduce speed or stop the car. Rem is one part of car components that contribute to the comfort and safety of the driver and passenger cars.
Recognize the symptoms of damage to the brakes squeaking sounds like when you hit the brake pedal. This is because the brake is up due to friction between the brake with besa drum / disc, so you should immediately replace it in the garage you trust before a fatal error occurs.
Wheels and Tires
Each car has a size and design vary. Car makers would have had a calculation in the design for this component. Wheels and tires serve to provide comfort and stability for the rider. On the wheel and tire sizes you need to know for sure if you want to modify.
The car that has a sturdy frame construction will create a powerful driving performance and excellent in a variety of road conditions. Framework is a component of a car that serves as the foundation of your car and under, are susceptible to flooding, so you should keep your car parts to prevent rust.
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